Webpage Makeover
Yes, I do realize that I haven't updated this very recently. The thing is, I've got a Live Journal account instead. Go read it at www.livejournal.com/users/sunset_blvd/. Yay!
---- 03/14/03 I got tired of seeing the same old thing on my page so I decided to spice it up and write something new. Fun fun!
I've recently become obsessed with "The Producers" - a strange thing, since I saw it about two months ago. But the more awkward part is that I now go around singing stuff like "Haben Sie Gehort Das Deutshe Band?", "Springtime for Hitler", "I Wanna Be a Producer", and, worst of all, "Keep it Gay" !!!! (Not that there's anything wrong with it. But I am, in fact, straight, which I hope you can tell from the photo page - it's just a really funny song!)
Anyway. I was shocked to discover that Cassandra Claire, author of the VSDs, is twenty-four. Somehow I imagined her more near my age, like sixteen or seventeen. But I was wrong. It happens sometimes. Not often, but sometimes.
---- 03/16/03 Yesterday was the Ides of March! You know, from "Julius Caesar" by Shakespeare - "Beware the Ides of March." Yeah....
Did you know that a group of apes is called a shrewdness of apes? And then there's a parliament of owls, a plague of locusts, and an exaltation of larks. Let's try that one out, shall we?
~ Hark! An exaltation of larks! They're flying through the park! (splat) ~
Hmmm. I'll work on that one.
----03/22/03 Sorry haven't been on in a while....I took a vow to not go on this week from Monday to Friday. And that includes anything on the Internet....it almost killed me! It was just about as hard as the time I had to wait for the movie store to get an order of FotR DVDs because I needed to buy it. Nothing can compare, though, to the time about two years ago. The new Tamora Pierce book, "Protector of the Small: Squire" was out but my dad wouldn't buy it for me for about three weeks! (I was kind of broke.) And then Kyr managed to get it before me...but that's okay. I discovered TP, and I beat her on the first two "Song of the Lioness" books, all of "The Immortals", and the last "PotS". So there.
----03/24/03 There is an epidemic of anti-war/peace - rally/march - fever going around. It was started by Lyr's family and seems to have spread to mine. We went on a march yesterday and it was really cool! Ask Kyr about hers too - it seemed more exciting.
Still bored. I'm rereading Daine, if that gives you an indication of my boredness. (If you need more proof, I just finished rereading Kel and then rereading Alanna before that. And it's actually rerererererererererereading because I've read them so many times. So what'll I do when I rerererererererererefinish Daine?)
----03/29/03 Mickey is a meanie and Kyr is a tupidhead. Hmph.
----03/31/03 Toooouuuuurist...... No comment.
As I was telling Kyr the other day, saying "Sunset Boulevard" instead of "hehehehehe" has some not-very-serious but un-fun consequences. Although I know it is too masculine and I should not use it, I sometimes have a strange urge to say or type, "hehehehehe" for apparently no reason at all. Of course, I also have strange urges to go to Germany and shout, "Wen ist das nunstuck, git un slottermeyer. Nyah! Wiahunt das flippebelt de odoh gas put" to see if anyone will die of laughing. But somehow that urge is much easier to control. Probably because I don't have money for an airplane fare to "the Continent", a.k.a. Europe.
----04/02/03 Contemplated whether to start rereading LotR for the sixth time. Bookless-ness is a very painful syndrome. Word of advice: if you are a book-addict, always make sure you have enough books to keep you stable. Oh, and while I'm at it, here's some more advice. When in doubt, drink tea.
----04/03/03 I found this really funny song on the Internet. It's a parody of "If You're Happy And You Know It, Clap Your Hands" except it's "If You're Happy And You Know It, Bomb Iraq" and it's making fun of Bush's decision and everything. (I sent it to Kyr, Mickey, and Jessie - a bit dangerous actually, considering that Jessie is adamantly pro-war. But then again, she sent me all those things about how abortion was bad even though I'm pro-choice, and that fake speech of Bush's. Payback time!) Anyway, the link to the song's site is down at the bottom of my page.
----04/09/03 Was rereading Agatha Christie books today - finally found a set of books that I hadn't read for atleast six months! Actually they're my mom's, but they were packed away somewhere. It is kind of strange to reread a murder mystery since you already know who did it. But if it's well written and has an ingenious solution, it's worthwhile to go over it again. I'm sure Jessie can testify to that! I also finished the book that Mickey gave me recently and I should lend it to her before I forget. Now I'm kinda bookless again - but don't worry, I'm going to B & N tomorrow!
My life is determined by books - pathetical, isn't it?
----04/11/03 I got 5 new books last night! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unfortunately, I've already finished two of them. Sigh. Sometimes I wish I didn't read so fast - when will I ever be satisfied? Anyway, the one that I read first was the newest Princess Diaries book. Okay, I know they're pretty stupid and all, but sometimes I just need to read stupid stuff for the fun of it. Anyway, even my PARENTS like the Princess Diaries books. So what if the books are childish? I am still a teenager, you know.
The other book that I read was Ender's Shadow, which is the parallel to Ender's Game. I must say that Ender's Game, one of my favorite books, was much better than Bean's version. But I still liked it.
I should be a book reviewer, don't you think?
----04/14/03 SPRING BREAK! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I tried to get Mickey, Jessie, and Kyr to go the beach with me today, but they said that even though it's spring break, I shouldn't be too wishful for high water temperatures. I am never wishful like that - I'm a complete realist, for truth's sake! (New saying, by the way.) Even the temptation of surfing could not rock Mickey's decision. I guess East Coast waves can never compare to Hawaii. Anyway, I went to the beach all by myself and almost got frozen solid. It's a good thing I'm not very affected by cold!
What should I do with a whole week to myself? I don't even have to work, because the martial arts school is closed for spring break. I feel so FREE!!!!!!!!!
----04/17/03 Spring Break is fun!! Mickey and I went to this place where you can ride ATV's (you know, all-terrain vehicles.) They are friggin' awesome! It's like driving your car except better 'cause you're out in the forest and you go really fast up and down hills and over stones and logs and stuff. It was kinda hard though - once I almost rolled off a miniature cliff and about three times I almost crashed into the instructor's ATV when he was going too slow. Daredevilishness has it's consequences, after all.
----04/20/03 I think my campaign for the book "Jurassic Park" is starting to work. Jessie read it a long time ago, of course, but now I've managed to get both Mickey and Lyr to borrow it. (Yup. I have two copies. Talk about obsession, huh?)
Ugh. School starts again tomorrow. It's kinda sickening when vacation ends, even if it's only been a week, because you have to get back into that awful routine again. Well, atleast I have my nice roommates/best friends to help me out! (Aww.........)
----04/21/03 School is one of the only things that makes me kinda depressed. Don't get me wrong, I always like to learn and try new things. But lessons like that are really un-fun because the teachers are so stuck in their old traditional ways of teaching from a boring textbook in front of a boring chalkbored in a boring voice. Take math, for instance. I love the actual math, but it's my least favorite class. The routine is always exactly the same and probably has been for the last thirty years, considering how old my teacher is. I wish they could realize that there are better, more interesting ways to do it. It also helps us learn more, so why can they see it?
----04/23/04 Today someone came up to me and was like, "Hey Deedee, do you have Playstation 2 at home?" "No," I said. "You DON'T? Man, how do you survive? What else can someone do in their free time?" "Oh, you know, read, write, jump off cliffs, hang out with friends - atleast, that's what I do." "Geez, Deedee. You sure are weird." "Why don't you tell me something I DON'T know for a change?" "Whatever."
The point I'm trying to make is that I don't understand how people get so obsessed with computer and video games. Personally I find them quite boring. But then I watch my sister San-Seri (her real name is Susan but she hates that. She got the nickname from a book called "Shadow Magic", by Patricia C. Wrede. In the book, san-seri is a game in which the people try to throw knives in a pattern on a target) playing her Harry Potter computer game, and it makes me wonder. What do they see in it? I would rather be out there, doing something real, something exhilarating. Staring at a screen and pushing some buttons are NOT my idea of fun.
----04/24/03 Yay! Mickey finished "Jurassic Park"! Now to get Kyr to read it...... "Jurassic Park" is SUCH a good book. I do understand though what Mickey's saying about the gore and the limbs wrapped in tarp, but when I think about the gross parts, something else comes to mind. I think of a fat guy who's been blinded by dilophosaurus poison, and then has his stomach ripped open so that his slithery guts fall into his hands. Charming, huh?
----04/25/03 I was rereading some of my Tintin comic books when I looked at the copyright date of "The Blue Lotus" and found that it was published in 1931! 1931! I mean, that's like ANCIENT!!!! And if "The Blue Lotus" was from then, it's prequel, "Cigars of the Pharaoh" must be from like the 1920's. I'd check, but I seemed to have misplaced my copy.
I also started making a list of the different phrases that Captain Haddock uses. His most famous, of course, are "billions of bilious blue blistering barnacles" and "ten thousand thundering typhoons", which are both used in distress or frustration. But the insults that he uses are even weirder. I've counted 107 of them so far - and I've only looked through like five of the books! The most interesting/hilarious insults that he uses are "anamorphic aardvark", "toffee-nose", "pockmark", "hydrocarbon", "ectoplasmic byproduct", "guano-gatherer", "seismic semaphore", "Arabian Nightmare", and, strangely enough, "vegetarian"!
----04/27/03 Oooh, it's such a nice day out today. And it's the weekend too, so I'm at home instead of boarding school. I wish I could go out and do something fun. But I'm grounded - GROUNDED! I'm not a bad girl, really. I mean, I'm not like Kyr or anything, who breaks rules (and laws) just to be rebellious. I just have a certain - er - "disregard" for rules. And I like to have fun. So I broke curfew last night because I lost track of the time at this totally awesome party. (It's not like I was drinking or getting high or anything - I figure, the less I harm my body, the longer I'll live. And the longer I'll live, the more time I'll have to do fun stuff! So that kinda goes for sex too. I mean, who can go bungi jumping while they're pregnant?) I was just dancing and vegging out and having fun. Sigh.
----04/28/03 Hey, Mickey, don't go insulting my dad's taste in movies! I admit that both "Get Over It" (Cut it Out) and "Saving Silverman" were horrible, but if I recall correctly, your parents chose "The Family Man", which was pretty horrible, and "Dad, No Dessert Till You Mow the Lawn", which was mega-horrible. So boo-yah to you!
----04/30/03 Okay, I don't know WHERE Mickey got the idea that I am a saint, considering that I've been arrested twice. I mean, I, DEEDEE, was arrested, once for setting off fireworks under a can (the cops consider that a bomb) and once at this wild party that got busted up. I really wasn't supposed to be at the party, considering that at the time I was only eleven years old. I don't know how you can call someone a saint when they're a felon before they're even a teen!
Okay. Different topic....let's see what should I talk about? School? Hm. School isn't all that bad. I mean, it is a lot better than middle school. Middle school really sucked. Then I came here last year and met Kyr, Jessie and Mickey. This year we requested to be roommates and I'm so glad that we are. The social part of school is really fun, especially at a boarding school. The classes aren't that bad either. I am sooo glad that I'm not in Mickey's science class, because my sci teacher is really fun. We're studying different poisons and how they affect your body. Much better than earthquakes, which we did in like FOURTH GRADE, right?
----05/01/03 Okay, so today I was rereading "The Outsiders", by S.E. Hinton (which, incidentally, is a pretty good book. So is "Tex", by the same author. Except she has a very strange taste in names. There's Ponyboy and Sodapop and Dallas in "The Outsiders" - and in the movies, Matt Dillon plays Dallas in that and Texas in "Tex"! Isn't that weirdo?). Anyway, I sort of realized something. I'm a bit like Soda in the book - a bit too full of life. Except, Soda doesn't get mad that often and he doesn't have a big temper. But one of the things that Ponyboy says about him is that he can get drunk without ever drinking - he gets drunk on life. That is like me - when I'm doing fun and exciting stuff, that's how I feel.
----05/03/03 No, Mickey, I have not seen "The Outsiders". But like I said, Matt Dillon plays Dally in that and Texas in "Tex", which I have seen. And I tried to find a pic of him (he was cute - not hot, there's a difference, but pretty cute) but all the pix are too new, and he's much older now.
Omg, Mickey, help me! "Pirates of the Caribbean" is coming soon! The Orlando Bloom fans (Kyr and Jessie) will go fanatic! Save me! (Otherwise, the movie looks okay. Atleast he looks better than in Lord of the Rings, with that girlish white hair. Ew. Just ew.)
----05/05/03 Argh. Argh. ARGH! My world is ending. She's not finishing it. SHE'S NOT FINISHING IT. Did you here me? She's not finishing it. Aaaaaaaaaaaah! She only got to Chapter 30! Now I'll never know what if Hermione is going to be strega! Though it's kind of obvious, but still, how about Snape? And Blaise? And isn't Bill Weasley supposed to come into the story too? Now he never will. Sigh.
I suppose I am thoroughly confusing everyone. But on Saturday, Kyr introduced me to "Pawn to Queen", a completely awesome-beyond-words Harry Potter fanfic. (Also awesomely long, as you can sort of tell, considering that Chapter 30 was only about halfway through.) And now I find that the author, Riley, has done a complete MICKEY (ahem, ahem) and abandoned a great story. Okay, I know I only heard about it two days ago, but for those two days, I have been obsessed. Seriously, the only thing that got me through my classes today was that I could come and read the last few chapters that are currently put up. I was also going to check when she's going to add more to it. That was when I found her goodbye letter to the story. (Sigh. I wish I had never started it. But if you want the link, it's down at the bottom. Beware - you will never know the end.)
Thank the Goddess (complete Tamora Pierce reference I assure you, not a pagan religion - though I don't see why there's anything wrong with them, but anyway) that "The Two Towers" is coming out on DVD soon. Otherwise I don't know WHAT I'd do.
----05/06/03 NEWSFLASH: Tamora Pierce will be bringing out a new Tortall book in September! Jubilation! It's called "Trickster's Choice", and it's the first of a two book series about Alanna's daughter Alianne. A sample chapter can be found at www.tamora-pierce.com, but I'm not going to tell you what happens if you're too lazy to go there. (Oh, and btw, I just found out that Tamora's name is pronounced "TAM-er-ah", like rhyming with camera. For all these years I've been saying "tam-OH-ra" under Kyr's influence, while I seem to have had it right all the time. so ha!)
----05/12/03 Okay, so I finally saw "The Outsiders" movie. Soda was great, and Johnny was pretty cute, but Dally was HOT! *dies*
That's all I have to say today. Interesting, huh?
----05/17/03 Wow. Compared to how often I usually write here, it's been a long time. Sorry. Just Kyr's sort of gotten me into the whole fan fiction / Internet writing world. It's really fun! I've written lots of stuff and I REALLY want people to read (and review) it. So go to either www.fanfiction.net or www.fictionpress.net and search for "shadowed memory" which is my nickname. Hope you like it!
----05/21/03 I'm bored. Sigh. "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" or whatever it's called won't come out until June 21, "The Two Towers" DVD until August 26 (wah!), and "Trickster's Choice" till September. But atleast this weekend I'll be home for three days because of Memorial Day. Yay! It is kinda sad though, that kids only appreciate Memorial Day because there's no school. I'm sorry, all those people who died. I honor you and your death. Oh no, now I'm getting all sappy! *runs*
----05/29/03 School is ALMOST OVER! Zip ah dee doo dah! Nuff said. *rejoices*
----05/31/03 Oh. My. Gosh. I had the scariest nightmare last night. It was SERIOUSLY creepy. I don't know how the hell it got into my head but it just freaked me out. I'm still quivering here. I had a nightmare - about ORLANDO BLOOM. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! Why me? WHY ME? *cries*
----06/27/03 Wow. I haven't updated anything here in a REALLY long time. I really have no excuse except...erm...I've been really busy? Such a cliche, but it's pretty true. And nothing's happened either, excpet that school's out and the new HP book came out. It was pretty good.
*is somehow at a loss for words*
----07/18/03 Should I even attempt to make an excuse for not writing in so long? I'll just say...SORRY!!!!! There. The gods should approve of my heartfelt apology.
Just saw "Pirates of the Caribbean" - awesome movie, although I was sorta right about Jessie going fanatic. Lots of cool swordfights, funny jokes (Captain Jack Sparrow - heheheheh), and great background music. Unfortunately, Mickey now thinks I like Orlando Bloom just because I liked the movie. The problem is, she and Jessie are just too boy-crazy. Mickey THINKS that someone can't like a movie without liking someone in it, and Jessie actually CAN'T like a movie without liking someone in it. I mean, Johnny Depp? Cute? CUDDLY? No offense, Jessie, but that is just kinda wrong.
-----08/24/03 Aaah! I moved! I'm now in Nevada, away from my three best friends. In the words of my sister, "It's NOT FAIR!" It truly isn't. Sigh....
I'm still PotC obsessed - I saw it three times, and that wasn't enough. Luckily, Mickey saw it with me the third time, and as we were complaining about Tampy (Orlando Bloom) the whole time, she realized that I still loathe him. Phew! That was a very harsh accusation. I don't think there is anything that could induce me to see him as cute, or hot, or remotely attractive in any way. Hmph!
-----08/27/03 I think I just realized how long my "diary" thing here is. Wow. Heh.
Okay, here's a dilemma: "The Two Towers" DVD, which I have been waiting in eight months of agony for, just came out yesterday. But when I went to buy it, I found that the Extended DVD version won't be out until November 18. NOVEMBER 18. That's like THREE MORE MONTHS of waiting. What to do? I think I'm going to stick it out. But by then, "Return of the King" will almost be there! Aaaaah!