Finally A Slice of Pie for Jessie!
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Finally A Slice of Pie for Jessie

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It's All About Jessie
Hey peeps! Watsup... welcome to my page. You will never be the same again. Mwa. Ha. Haha. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Now, I'll just take a minute to say a few well placed comments... Newsies suck! Sean Biggerstaff is mine! Legolas is not a girl! He is very very very very very very very hot. Yes he is, and don't you forget it.

Here's a vignette (short poem or prose) that I composed in English class yesterday. (Under very much pressure, I might add.)
Falling from the sky
You know you have to try
The product is the best when
You know that you might die.

Every Now and Then...
My ballet performance is next weekend! Yaaaay! It's gonna be reallllly fun, I might be dancing on pointe, might not. I dunno. I am a very talented ballet dancer. I have been dancing since I was 4, which basically means I have been dancing for 12 years. Yah. It's our school's recital, but it's at a really snazzy theater. The best part is hanging backstage with my homies and checking out all the hot guys in tights. Well, not really. Technically, there are about three guys usually, all gay, and I avoid looking in that area because it is really disgusting.
We had our last junior dance of the year on Friday the 9th, and it was really fun, except nobody was dancing. Before that, there was the high school play, THE SOMEWHAT TRUE TALE OF ROBIN HOOD. It was really funny, cuz Robin Hood had to kiss Maid Marian in the end, and the two actors playing those parts absolutely despise on another. So that was entertaining... yah.
OH MY GOD! Just less than a month till school is over... then summer vacation, with the four of us vacationing together... and then SENIOR YEAR! YEEEEAAAAAH! The four of us not together, of course, but it's still pretty damn cool.
I also turn 17 on June 15th. Woohoo.

Just one more day till the weekend! Please God, let it come soon or I might just die. I have had the most stressful week imaginable. Semester papers, exams, pop quizzes, quizzes, tests, more quizzes, and rain. Ugh. Oh yeah, and I had to go receive an award at my new school. That was bad. I'm going to a new school my senior year, doesn't that suck? It really does. I don't even know why. My parents are strange.
I agree with Deedee. I mean, the Memorial Day thing? Come on! No one appreciates it for what it is. It's like, thank you for dying. Puh-leez. It's lame. I demand Holiday education! What's with the stupid school system, anyway?

Goin' to a party tomorrow... mmmhmm, yeah.. my friend's graduation from high school! I love parties. Who doesn't? I'm hyper... doodadoodaday. I should really be writing my history paper, but I'm procrastinating. I LOVE that word. It's such a cool word. It really is!
You know, I'm feeling rather homesick... for middle school. In middle school a kid didn't have to feel stressed at all... about papers, tests, or exams. Heck, we didn't even have exams! I miss those days.
Did you know that South Africa has more HIV infected people than anywhere in the world? Scary, huh? I have to write a paper on that... 7 pages, by Friday. Eeeeeeeek!!!!!!

Mwahahahah. Mwahhahahahahaha. Mwaaaaaaaahahahahahahah!
Guess who's out of scho-ool! Guess who's out of sch-oool... that's right... mmm-hmmm. I am officially on summer vacation!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahah. I'm free! No more homework, no more books, no more teachers dirty looks! No more exams, no more tests, summer is when I like it best. I just made up that second part. Hey, I like it!!!
I'm bored. Damnit.

Heya watsup yall? I am in a wacko mood so just don't mind me. No one is out of school yet STILL. Ergh I'm so bored. When I'm not working at Sports Authority, I'm working at my dad's office. He's a lawyer, and I get paid an hour. Pretty good, and the work is interesting. But I don't want to be a lawyer.
I am soooo !@#$* pissed off!! I lost my softball glove! I am sooo mad you don't even understand. I have had it for so long, and it really has personal/sentimental meaning for me. Plus, it's a kick-ass glove and it's really broken down and all. Poop.
Things NOT to say to Mickey, Lyr, or Deedee if you value your life
MICKEY: *Sean Biggerstaff is mine
*Elijah Wood is mine
*Frogs suck
*I'm going to send you a chain letter
LYR: *Race wears overalls
*Newsies suck
*Race and Spot are ugly
*You are in love with a guy who has blond hair and cries when he loses a game. (hehehe)
DEEDEE: *Dogs are stupid & ugly
*Biscuit is stupid & ugly
*You never get angry
*You are a saint
(there really isn't much for Deedee because she never gets mad)
Random Stuff
I like books. Heaps of books. Trees are good, and green. Fur. Soft. I like the ferris wheel. Merry-go-rounds scare me! the spy who shagged me is funny. No it's not. The first one is best. Aaaah! I am not a trash can, and I will never be one. help me, save me! whatever. IM rocks. Rocks are hard. they hurt me. I am feeling sick. No I am not. I like mice. They are cuddly. Ow my finger is bitten off by a crazy/beautiful mouse. Gotta go. More later. (Lives up to its title, dahn't you thank?)

Tortillaaaaassss! Oh yeah boy! Doodoodoo sexy little mommies! Beat em, fry em, roll em, eat em! Oooooo yeah!