Confessions of 4 Confessions Homepage
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Finally A Slice of Pie for Jessie

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*claps* Yay. Who doesn't like cows?

Congratulations, you have just discovered the best website on the World Wide Web - Confessions of Four! We'd offer you a gift of a free dried-up cow bladder as a token of our gratitude, but because of the war, we do not want to encourage the use of animal organs as weapons of mass destruction.

*Pokes head in* Well, if you're still might as well look around. There are waiting for you. *diabolical laughter* (tribute to Deedee).

Sign the Guest book, check out the pictures of hotties (including Elijah Wood, Sean Biggerstaff, (young) Rob Lowe, (again young) Matt Dillon, Orlando Bloom, Heath Ledger and Lumiere), and chat with Mickey, Jessie, Deedee or Kyr, if you happen to have the privilege of meeting us. Write emails to us asking for advice, use the free Confessions chatroom, or take a look at our personal pages. Cya around the site!

xoxoxoxo - Mickey, Kyr, Jessie, and Deedee

A Few Words From Deedee the Great

Here's my attempt to revive the chat room idea! I feel extremely proud of myself. But I don't think any explanation is needed, so just click on the icon!
WATCH THIS SPOT ------------> .

It might move. Someday.

Hey, there's a gumball on the ceiling...

Send an email

What's New

Ummm...pretty much nothing. Check later for anything that actually might make sense.

Eradicate H. pylori to cure stomach ulcers.


Today's Random Word:




I know Jessie is very against this, but I just couldn't help myself.


No! No! Not against Lumiere himself, silly goose! Against your having a one-on-one relationship with him. He's all mine! Mwa. Ha.


Dream on. And the diabolical laughter is getting old fast.


It is? Oh. Pish.


oh, come on, diabolical laughter is wonderful. And I really don't see what's so attractive about that damn candlestick.

- Kyr

Yay! I have support for my Pythonesque-obsessive phrases! Thanks Kyr. And I really don't know why they love Lumiere. There must be something about melting wax that turns some ppl on...

- Deedee