Confessions Obsessions
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Finally A Slice of Pie for Jessie

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Photos and Pix - AGAIN


Confessions Obsessions


Okay, okay, I know what everybody's going to say. "Oh no, Deedee added another page. She's taking over the whole site again. That's not fair! I mean, we made the site when she was away on Spring Break and now she's messing it up."

Well, Deedee has some very good reasons for this:
a) Deedee had to go to the Caribbean on Spring Break because legally she is only sixteen and is still under the custody of her parents who can take her wherever they want (and also she wanted to go and scuba dive.) So it wasn't REALLY her fault.
b) It is winter vacation and Mickey is away and Kyr's computer is broken and Jessie is who-knows-where so Deedee is very bored.
c) Nobody updates the site any more so Deedee thinks that it needs a little spicing up.
d) Recent events must be taken into consideration.
e) Deedee must add again that she is bored and the boredom is so severe that it has induced her to speak in the third person.

Oh, and don't you guys like all my cool pix on this page? I worked so hard to find them and I get no gratitude! --Deedee


Oy, does this need to be updated...

All of us are very strange people and we have strange obsessions. I thought that we should celebrate our differences by making a page for them.
Bishounen Obsessions

Do I even need to tell you? You should already know.

Jessie: Legolas, Oliver Wood, Will Estes

Mickey: Lumiere, Dally, Erik Palladino, DJ Catrona

Kyr: Racetrack/Max Casella. And Legolas, to some extent. And Johnny Depp. And George Cooper. If he counts.

Deedee: Aragorn, Dally, Michael Palin, Johnny Depp

***NOTE*** Mickey does not like Shroeder in any way shape or form! It is a lie! She does not even know the kid! It's Jessie who's obsessed!

***SECOND NOTE*** (It's Deedee, not Mickey this time.) Kyr, let me get this straight - you like Legolas to some extent? TO SOME EXTENT? Are you kidding me? If you like him enough to enjoy looking at close-ups of his sweaty face AND IM-ing them to your friends, I would say that was more than TO SOME EXTENT. (And by the way, who is he depressed over? *sniggers wickedly*)

***THIRD NOTE*** Give me a break, Mickey. Shroeder is fat and ugly and hairy. And mean and annoying. And you do TOO know him. And if you don't think he's fat, that means you like him. Hmph. --Jessie

***FOURTH NOTE*** If Shroeder is fat, then I'm obese. I can't really see why u think he's hairy, since i have WAAAAAAY thicker hair than anyone on this planet, and you've never called -me- hairy, at least not to my face. And he's not mean or annoying -- he's actually very quiet and friendly, as far as i know. Ok, maybe he is really a creep, since u know his better, but i just am protecting an innocent boy from being bashed and that means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Double-hmph.

You're just "protecting an innocent boy"? And that means nothing? My dear (don't mind my strange old-lady vocabulary - I'm reading Miss Marple), that one must be as old as the "oh, we're just friends" one. I expected something a little more original, at least, even if you're not making an effort to hide your feelings. Tsk, tsk, Mickey!


Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold it. This can't be right. I (Deedee) have more guy obsessions listed here than Jessie does??? It cannot be! It's impossible! It's inconceivable! And yes, I do know what inconceivable means (heh)!  I mean, Jessie is WAAAY more boy-crazy than me.

Isn't she?

Movie, TV shows, Books, Magazines, and Play/Musicals (Butter/Cream Cup!) Obsessions

Jessie: Lord of the Rings, Austin Powers, and books by Agatha Christie. Also the soundtrack of Les Miserables, especially "On My Own." LOVE STINKS/lady with crazy mouth. The Wheel of Time series, by Robert Jordan, which Kim won't read because she is a poopadoodle.

Mickey: The Wedding Singer (LOVE STINKS!!), Raging Quiet (best book of all time), Grease, The Full Monty

Kyr: Newsies, Newsies, and Newsies. And maybe books by Tamora Pierce or Garth Nix. And Lord of the Rings, both movie and book wise.

Deedee: Books by Tamora Pierce, Lord of the Rings (any form), Pirates of the Caribbean, Agatha Christie murder mysteries, a book called Fire and Hemlock, The One-Hundred and One Dalmatians, Jurassic Park, and many others. Also, of course, Monty Python's Flying Circus. And for musicals, there's Annie Get Your Gun, The Producers, Les Miserables, The Secret Garden......aaaah!

Food Obsessions

Jessie: Candy - any kind, clams, dumplings, top ramen (chicken flavor), pepperoni with wheat thins, chips and salsa, roasted chicken, baked potatoes with salt, butter, and lemon, and last but not least, chocolate milkshakes. Mwahahahah.

Mickey: Shrimp, dumplings, Funyuns (I know they're so unhealthy- I just can't control myself around them).

Kyr: Whipped cream?

Deedee: Whipped cream, hot sauce, popcorn, clams, rice, Malaysian Rendang beef, spring rolls, etc.

<-----------------Omg...I love your ring, Jess! Claire's, right?
No, actually, I got it from some tacky vender in a mall. Yah. Yah.

Jessie: I'm Dr. Evil! I'm Doc-Doctor Evil!, riiiiight, wow no, eekawhisker, shneegelbopper

Mickey: Never again in my presence (omg that is the FUNNIEST thing! --Jess)

Kyr: That's amusing

Deedee: Sunset Boulevard
Computer Obsessions

Jessie: The Internet, neopets, and the Harry Potter game

Mickey: IM, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets computer game

Kyr: Fan fiction

Deedee: Age of Empires, e-mail...heheheh
Misc. (or other wise known as random) Stuff

Jessie: chap-stick, pulling my hair, inhaling helium,

Mickey: Plastic grapes and finger trap thingys

***MICKEY'S NOTE*** It's called a German Toe-clencher.

Kyr: Cats cradle

Deedee: Little bracelet things that I got at Mickey's party - I don't what they're called; my diary key which hangs from my watch; earrings; and hats.


He'll pine and I'm a holly bush