Lusters of Men Over 30
Home Page

About the Four

Deedee's Revenge

Mickey the Great's Page


Finally A Slice of Pie for Jessie

Photos and Pix

Photos and Pix - AGAIN


Confessions Obsessions

Pervy Old-Men-Fanciers

Welcome to the HQ of LMOT Inc, the Lusters of Men Over 30! This club was formed when, on AIM, I, Mickey, was, as usual, salivating while looking at Erik Palladino pics, and discovered, quite to my horror that *gasp!* that hottie with a body is no less than 35 years old!  I was enraged by this, but then Deedee and Kyr reassured me, since they had both obsessed over guys who were at least 40 for more than a year. Even Jessie found an older man that she liked. None of us disliked them for their we decided to form this club. Here's the place to drool over the guys at least twice your age and a little bit, and not get weird looks for doing it! Yay!


The Official Icon

Yes, I did make this icon. Isn't it awesome? Go me!

- Deedee

The Official Badge

Yay for Mickey!

The Official...Mascots (?)

We know we love 'em all - (yep, especially since Tampy isn't over 30 and doesn't count - heheheh) - but each of us has been assigned their own personal one that they've GOT (Guy Over Thirty).

Kyr: Billy Boyd, age 35

Mickey: Erik Palladino, age 35

Jessie: Johnny Depp, age 40

Deedee: Viggo Mortensen, age 45

The Official Honorary GOTs

Since everyone only picked their favorite as their mascot, there should be a place for those other GOTs that we drool over, but not as much as the mascots:

Michael Palin

Max Casella

Matt Dillon

Paul Macartney

Come on, guys, add s'more!

The True Story

I'd like to let it be known that I was actually the first of us to like an older man. It all began when that splendid movie, The Fellowship of the Ring, first came out in December of 2001. I was actually the last to see it, and it's true that everyone else was already crushing on their own particular actor. But as soon as I set eyes upon the movie, I fell for Aragorn. No, it was not love-at-first-sight, but it certainly was hotness-at-first-sight.


Anyway, it is true that I didn't know at that time how old Viggo Mortensen was. I don't even remember what I assumed his age was - I guess I just knew he was too old for me, and left it at that. Later on that year, Kyr began to talk about Race from Newsies, who's actor, Max Casella, also counts as an older man. But at that time she only liked his kid self, so we did not yet know how much of pervy old-men-fanciers we would become.

I actually distinctly remember the day when I found out that Viggo was 44. I was looking him up on the Internet and found his birthday. My first reaction was, "Oh my. He could so be my dad. That is FREAKY." I mean, he had a son older than me. I'd be more liable to crush on his son in real life than him! I even thought (hypothetically) how weird it would to be if I married his son one day. I mean, imagine this scene:


"Yes, dear?"

"I have a confession to make."

(begins to get worried) "What is it?"

"I...well...this might sound a bit weird but when I was a teen...(talks very fast) Iwasobsessedwithyourdad."


"I was obsessed with your dad!"

(**Mickey's note**: Would that be kind of like a "Stacie's Mom" phenomenon?)

"Um..." (begins to move away slowly) 

Talk about awkward.

Yeah. Anyway. I finally got over the horror. I guess I like them mature. I mean, sure, to quote Mickey: "I don't want some prepubescent kid. I want a man!"

Now skip forward about a year, and we begin Mickey's Erik Palladino craze. We were all witness to the moment she found out his age - we were on AIM and suddenly she cried out, "Oh my God! He's 35!"

(**Mickey's note**: Actually, it was more like "AAAAAAAAAAAHHH! He's 35!!!!!!!!")

Kyr and I only chuckled. We managed to calm Mickey down, which is when she decided that it didn't matter so much. (See above quote about prepubescent kid.) Jessie, unfortunately, was still disgusted, until we reminded her that Johnny Depp was 40. So eventually she came over her fear.

And that was when LMOT started. The rest is history. ('s only been six days since it happened when I writet his...but I'm sure it will be history!)

And to think that it was all the influence of Aragorn...

It's a good thing you all admitted he was hot!

- Deedee

<----- Wheeee!

You know, it's a sin to be this hot, over thirty, and not married to me.


Um....Mickey....*backs away slowly from slightly freaky picture/obsesser*

- Deedee